The book is about our God given desire to crave. Some people crave food, alcohol, drugs, love, etc. This book, I believe, mainly focuses on the food aspect but I have been thinking a lot about the other aspects in life.
During the time of my dad's failing health and since his passing, I at times have found myself "craving" certain comfort foods. Comfort foods for me are chips and rotel, fried foods, burgers and fries, and the ever popular chocolate or just sugar in general. There is something in your mind that is triggered by your emotions to crave certain comforts during times of stress. It's actually something that God put in us but when used incorrectly we turn to the foods, alcohol, drugs, love, etc. The reason God put this desire in us to crave is because He wanted us to turn to him during times of stress and crave Him. In doing so, he could fill us with what we are lacking. So many times we start to feel the stress of life, emotions we don't want to face, faults we see in ourselves, problems with family members, work, etc. and we immediately turn to something to help us "relax", "de-stress", "enjoy ourselves." We often justify it by saying I am going through a lot right now or I deserve this when all along God is calling us to him and we are rejecting him.
Some people may look at this and say I am not overweight, getting drunk, sleeping with people, etc. but what they are doing is turning to the wrong things for stress relief. If you are "cooking up some rotel", having a glass of wine to "relax", or dating someone new take a look at "why" you are really doing it. Do not justify your actions but instead figure out where that craving is coming from. Discover the person who put that desire for peace in you. Next time I feel stressed and I start to reach for that chocolate bar, I may just reach for my Bible instead.
Food for thought :)
Amanda, you are right on! We tend to go after the wrong things or expect another person to do or be something for us thinking they will make us feel better and fill that hole, when God is the only thing that will do it! Keep up the great posts! The girls and I are praying for you and your family...