Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Love like no other

These are just a few things I am learning about God's love recently that I thought I would share. Hopefully it will help someone else too.

God's love is not an obligated love. It is not bound by a contract. God is a gentleman. He never forces his love on you. He loves you regardless of whether you love him or not. He chose you whether you choose him or not. His love is unconditional, full of forgiveness and grace. His love is selfless. His love is kind, compassionate, and thoughtful. He is passionate about you. He longs to bring you joy and keep your love tank overflowing. He takes pride in you. He LONGS for time with you. He wants to shower you in blessings and does not do things for you so that he can hold them over you and bring them up when it will benefit him. He is the ultimate listener, always concerned with your thoughts and feelings. His love is always consistent, never confusing, and he doesn't send mixed signals. His love never fails and never changes!

He doesn't love you because you deserve it and there is NOTHING you can do to deserve it. he will chase after you no matter how much you run, continually showing His love to you. His love is victorious! His love is powerful! His love is more than enough! His love is everything we need and everything we seek. His love should be everything we crave and look to when we feel empty. His love wins!

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