Monday, February 15, 2010

The words you say are powerful

Valentine's Day was an amazing day but there is one thing that will always stick out in my mind.

For Christmas, Uncle Nick and Aunt Meggi gave Elam and Eden a bible called the Jesus Storybook Bible. It is the coolest kids Bible I have ever read and Elam has several to choose from. I can not wait to read it to Eden when she gets older.

So every night a story or two from this Bible and the first story of course was how God created the heavens and the earth. Since we are having trouble lately with Elam talking ugly when he gets upset with someone I thought this is the perfect opportunity to explain how important our words are. So while reading the story, I stressed how God's words are so powerful he spoke the world into existence. He created the seas, animals, and everything we see by talking. So everyday when we go over our house rules I say we have to talk how? He says, "nice and use our manners because the words we say are powerful."

Last weekend, I knew he was finally starting to get it when one of the dogs started barking for no reason and Nathan turned to the dog and said, "shut up" Elam then said with astonishment, "Dad, the words you say are powerful and you shouldn't say that word." lol

Last week while reading our stories we came across the story of Jesus when he was with the fisherman and he calmed the seas. He listened but didn't really talk much that night and then on Valentine's Day it happened.......

We were driving over the Nathan's parents house and Elam said (out of no where), "Dad, do you remember the story of Jesus and the fisherman. They were on the waves and they were big and Jesus said Be calm waves and the waves got little because the words he said are very powerful."

YES!!!!! He is getting it! When he said that my heart was instant mush and I was so proud of my little Elam. So precious, so impressionable. Such a loving and caring child.

I know I talk about Elam's funny quotes all the time but for every funny quote there is a sweet heart melting one as well. He asks me at least 10 times a day if he can kiss me and hug me. He says things like "I love you sweetheart", "You are the best mommy in the whole world", "Mom, I love you to the moon and back and to mars and back." These are just a few. He is the most precious boy I could have ever imagined. Don't get me wrong he is all boy and he does and says some things I am not proud of but I am so blessed that God has allowed me to be his mommy and has trusted me to bring him up in the things of the Lord. Someday Elam will grow up, he will leave home, and he will have a life of his own but he will always be my little boy and it is my job to make sure that before he leaves I have given him every bit of knowledge and wisdom that I can about God and his never ending and never dying love for him. I am so glad that he is getting this lesson. The lesson of life and death being in your tongue.

Our words are very powerful and it is so important that we speak life everyday into ourselves and those around us. If we do not, who else will. Speak Life today and Remember:::: The words you say are very powerful!

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