Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My future as a junior high chaperone

This morning I took Elam and Eden to the Johnson County Museum. They have the kidscape exhibit going on which is several rooms, each with a theme full of dress up clothes and imaginative play equipment.

They also had a concert going on by a local mom and artist called Funky Mama. If you don't know who she is go to her website So great.

Anyway. There was two showings 10 am and 11am. We got there 15 minutes early and it was sold out so with an hour to kill we walked through the museum and played with all of the equipment. At 11am we went into the room when all of a sudden I hear someone say, "Elam!"

Now Elam is a very unusual name so when I heard it I turned knowing they were talking about my Elam and across the room there was this beautiful little blonde girl calling out my sons name. It was Kieran. Kieran is sweet little girl from Elam's preschool class and since day 1 of school he has told me he likes her and wants to marry her. I must say he has great taste. lol

She asked her mom if she could sit with him so she came over to the corner where we were and they sat down together and started talking. Then it all began......

Funky Mama started singing and the kids stood up, they were dancing, shouting, smiling, and clapping and so excited to see each other. When they would get tired they would sit down and talk. So sweet. I was playing with Eden and she was really getting into Funky Mama. I looked down to check on the kids and see Elam and Kieran holding hands. Elam then kisses her on the hand. lol. A few minutes later I look down to see Elam with his arm around her and Kieran with her head resting on his shoulder. A few minutes later I look down and see Elams hand on Kierans leg.

Okay now as a mom here are my thoughts.

1. Where is he seeing this????!!!???
2. Oh my word! I hope her mom doesn't see my son getting fresh with her daughter and think I have taught him how to play the ladies.
3. Ok. maybe I am over reacting.

After having these thoughts and then deciding to let it go, they stand up to dance to a song and they give each other a hug. Then (I promise this is not an exaggeration), while hugging they start slow dancing. Her head was on his shoulder and they were slow dancing and Elam finished off their dance with a kiss on the cheek. In that moment, I felt like I was a chaperone at a junior high dance. At one point I had to tell Elam if they could not keep their hands to themselves I would have to separate them.

Here are my thoughts after that point:

1. They are 3!!!!!!!
2. I am going to my prayer closet when I get home and not coming out until he is married.

At the end of the concert, they both said good bye and hugged. Kieran's mom said are you guys going tomorrow. Then I remembered his school is going on a field trip tomorrow. I am sure I will have another story to share so stay tuned. lol. Who knew Funky Mama was so romantic.


  1. Oh that was funny...and he's three! Kevin (hubby) said maybe Elam was three going on sixteen. :)

  2. It think your hubby is right. lol. Kids are so fun. You never know what they will do or say next.
