Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In honor of lent:

Tonight Elam was complaining that his stomach hurt and since we went bowling today I thought well maybe he is sore from carrying a heavy bowling ball or pulled a muscle or something. Then right at bedtime he starts crying and saying mom I need a bucket because I am going to throw up.

Before we get into that (and I won't be graphic, don't worry) let me back up and give you a background story..... Elam since he was little has had this obsession with eating fuzz. It didn't matter where it was from. He would take a bite out of his blankets, stuffed animals, he would even pull fuzz off my socks and eat it. It grosses me out and I wonder if sometimes he does it just for that reason. Some people bite their nails, he eats fuzz. It really freaks me out though because I have seen those specials on Discovery Health where a kid eats their hair and doctors have to do surgery to remove a 3 pound hair ball or something. I could just imagine having to take him in and the doctor and them pulling out a buzz lightyear blanket.

Another reason why I don't like it is because one time before he was potty trained (sorry this may be a little graphic) I was changing him and there was something hanging from his bottom. I had to pull it out and it looked like a worm. I called ask a nurse and they told me to put it in a water bottle with water and take it with me to the doctor. I took him to the doctor, paid a $30 copay for them to tell me it was just a thread. FUZZ EATER!!!!!!

Okay back to tonight. So Elam is throwing up when I notice there is orange fuzz from his orange blanket floating in the toilet. I thought finally he will get it and stop eating fuzz. Here is our conversation.

Me: Okay Elam do you see that. That is fuzz from your blanket.
Elam: Yeah mom.
Me: That is why we do not eat fuzz. It is making you throw up and your tummy hurt very bad. We are not going to eat fuzz anymore. Right?
Elam: And I won't eat my boogers either mom.

lol. Bonus!!!! Not only is he giving up on fuzz he is giving up on boogers too. lol.

In honor of lent, Elam is giving up two things this year. I could not be happier.