Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Round 3

This blog is going to be a letter to my dad but feel free to read it :)


This last year and a half has been one of the hardest times in our lives.

The only thing I have to compare it to really is a UFC match. I know, it sounds funny but take a walk with me for a minute and you will see what I mean.


Welcome to the main event. This will be 3 rounds of intense UFC fighting action.

In this corner, we have CANCER. Cancer has been training in stand up, ground and pound, and wrestling. He is strong and scary looking. He has defeated many opponents by way of knock out and submissions. He has the title for most money made and loves to intimidate his opponent. In his corner he has his coach pain, his trainer the thief, and his buddy fear.

And in this corner, we have his opponent Roy Hinckley. Roy has been trained in the art of war. He is mentally and physically strong. He is a hard worker, a strong fighter, positive thinker, and is UNDEFEATED. He is healthy and has trained his whole life for this fight. In his corner, he has his family, his friends, and his Coach (God). Also joining him today is his doctor (Jesus).

Round 1::::: Bell rings:::::::

And this fight is underway. Cancer attacks with a blow right to Roy's colon but Roy counters cancer's attack. He is strong and not going to lay down and give up folks. Roy has taken Cancer and put a beating on it. His coach is yelling at him from the side lines. "You can do it Roy! I have made you for greater things! You have been promised the victory! It is yours!!"

Round 1 is over and it has gone to Roy!

Round 2:::::::Bell Rings:::::::::

Cancer is back out and he is strong. It looks like maybe he is a little winded but he is coming back and giving it his all. OH No!!! Roy takes a kick right to the liver and he is hurt. He is down and cancer is trying to submit him. Roy's Coach is very calm. He seems to be whispering, "Remember what I have taught you. You are more than a conqueror" Oh my gosh! I can't believe this, Roy has come out of the submission and is now back on top. ::::::::Bell::::::::

Round 2 goes to Roy!

Round 3::::::::Bell Rings::::::::::

Roy seems a little tired and winded after those last two rounds. They were very difficult rounds. Cancer is so experienced, maybe the most experienced we have ever seen. He is coming out of his corner full force. He is not playing around. He knows that he has to knock him out or he is losing this match! Some people might doubt Roy's ability but lets not forget that he is a very well rounded fighter. He has been through some really tough stuff already and fought back to win the first 2 rounds. He has been training very hard and is in a lot of pain but he will never give up. His corner is getting louder and louder and his fans are cheering him on. This man is unbelievable!!! His sheer will, determination, and warrior attitude are something to be admired folks. This is the fight of the century! The crowd is chanting........WARRIOR.....WARRIOR......WARRIOR!!! His family looks confidant and his coach looks so proud.


Okay so I know this is not a normal letter but here are the facts. You are on your third round (diagnoses) of cancer in a year. You have fought every step of the way with every ounce of everything in your being. You have trained for this moment you whole life. God knew you would be at this place at this time and has given you all the tools to fight through. You are a studier and have studied your opponent. You know his moves. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy but God has come to give you life and give you life more abundantly. You know how to counteract his moves. We are here with you! We are in your corner but we can not fight for you. I wish so badly this was a wrestling match and we could tag team but they are fake and sissies.

We are cheering you on, praying for you, and serving you during this time. Your coach is calmly reminding you why you are here and what his next move is for you. Your doctor (Jesus) has already paid the price for you! It is done! It is finished! You are victorious! You are the conqueror! You are still UNDEFEATED!!!!!!

I love you with all my heart! You will always be my hero no matter what and I am so blessed that God chose me to be in your corner!



  1. Amanda, just want you to know how much I love your family. I will be praying for you guys .. to find peace and more strength .. new strength everyday.
    You are in my thoughts already and I love ya, girl!

  2. Such a great letter. I am sure it meant the world to him and what an encouragement!! Love ya!
