Thursday, July 15, 2010


Okay so this is totally random but I need to vent. I went to Wal-Mart today to pick up a few things and I got "THE" CART.

You know the one. The one that squeaks with every turn of its wheels. The one that not only squeals but if there were a cart squealing contest I would have won. That cart!!!!

I was so embarrassed and to top it off it wasn't like all of the items I needed were together. They were spread all over the store. So, here I go from one end of the store to another and everyone has to stop and turn around and look at me like I am doing it on purpose. I should have stopped and pointed at someone else like, "can you believe this guy"

I tried everything to get it to stop too. I would push down on the right side with my arm thinking that more weight on that side would help it, didn't work. Then I tried lifting that side a little while I pushed it, while trying to act like I am not embarrassed by this cart at all. I am proud of this cart people and in fact I test drove a few until I found this one. that obviously didn't work either. So then I just pushed it really fast and it was really loud but the faster I pushed it the faster i was through with the embarrassment.

My question is when do they retire carts bc this cart has seen it's prime and passed it. It has done it's job and needs to move on to become a few 24 packs of coke or something. I tried to save other people the embarrassment too but you know at some point someone else had to experience the same humiliation I did. I hope it developed their character. Hey maybe that is it's purpose. It's not just to hold your items but it also develops your character. Maybe I need to be thankful that I no longer have any pride.

Wal-Mart thank you for stripping me of my pride and giving me a reality check through such a simple item as your junky cart :)


  1. Amanda, You are a hoot! lmbo

  2. I came across you blog today and it made me laugh. Loved your cart story! Wanted to say hi.


  3. Thank Jaimi! So glad I could brighten your day. :)
