Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So lately I feel like my mind is constantly racing and at war. I am so conflicted and exhausted at the same time. I have really had to pray through a lot of things lately but the hard part is I feel like God has been teaching me so much and just when I think I get it, I am put in a new predicament and tested in what I just learned.

For example, I have been really challenged lately by the fact that we as people so often pass judgement so quickly on others instead of offering encouragement. I feel like among women it is even worse at times. God created women to be talkers and communicators but sometimes the very thing he put in us, can create problems if used in the wrong way. I, know I have probably failed at this a time or two or three (lol), but how many opportunities does he give us in a day that we do not take advantage of.

We, especially as women and mothers, know how hard it can be and how alone you can feel when you are going through things and the only ones we have to talk to are pre-schoolers, who could care less about what you are going through because, Batman has just been taken over by Mr. Freeze.

There are times when you go through things in your family that do not need to be discussed but so often you forget that others may be going through similar situations. How many times have I seen someone and thought, "man they were really weird today. They are different and strange now." I pass judgement on them instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt and considering that maybe they are struggling with something that can not be discussed. Maybe this is the Holy Spirits way of telling us to pray for or encourage someone but we are so blinded by our own struggles that we fail to see the opportunity and instead cast judgement.

I pray that my eyes would be open for opportunities to encourage and pray for people I come in contact with. If I have passed judgement on any of you readers, I do apologize. I am not perfect and am learning along this journey. I pray that you would not cast judgement on me and find forgiveness for me if I have hurt you.

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