Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Accountability for your response

Here is my #3 thing I learned last year from my list I posted previously.

In dealing with offense.....One day we will all stand before God on the day of judgement and at that time, you will be judged on what YOU did. It will not matter what someone did to you and your reasons for your reaction. There will not be a time where you get to give an excuse or justify your actions. YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR RESPONSE!

One day, my husband did something that offended me. I really don't remember what it was to be honest but I do remember complaining to God and being upset. Very strongly in my spirit, I felt he was saying, "how will you respond" He knows what happened to me and whether it was wrong or not God will be the judge of that someday but how I respond is what I will be judged on. Someday I will be held accountable for my response. We are to show mercy, forgiveness and love, and be a reflection of God's grace to others.

Now am I saying that if someone continually offends you, you should put yourself continually around them, no. You should put people around you that push you towards your goals. My goal is heaven and being closer to God while here on earth. So I am choosing to surround myself with people who push me in my relationship with God, who encourage me in love, believe in me, and who I can be the same for.

In 2011, I am choosing my friends more wisely, choosing to walk in love and forgiveness, and choosing my response more carefully.

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