Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Becoming Uncomfortable

January means a lot of different things for different people. Along with the new year come new year's resolutions. People often say they want to get in better shape, go on a diet, etc. The diet and exercise business is booming and gym memberships are always up in January. Every year some of the same people say I want to get healthier because they failed to do it the year before.

Many people go on a 21 day fast, sometimes corporately and sometimes just personally. Some fast certain foods or food all together. Some fast technology, such as TV, Facebook, Twitter, Video games, etc. Their focus is to take the time they would normally use doing these things and focus on God, to spend more time with Him without the distractions. Sacrificing their "comfort" foods for the things God naturally gave to us and remember who our creator is.

Now....I am a big fan of the biggest loser tv show and also worked for a chiropractor for a while who also specializes in nutrition. For those of you that know me, you know that I have never been a healthy eater. Growing up, the only vegetables I would eat were green beans, peas, and potatoes. The only fruit was bananas. Now not much has changed on the veggie side but I do eat almost all fruits now. I have expanded my pallet in other foods too and every time I go back home my family says, "wow you are such a good eater now" lol. I feel like I am 4 but it's still exciting because I know how far I've come.

One thing I have heard over and over from people starting diets, tv, doctors, etc. is Being healthy is not a "diet", it is a lifestyle change. Or how about this line, "you have to eat to live not live to eat" "you have to FEED your body so that it can run properly". While I have heard these countless times and they are all very true it has really been hitting home lately and taking on a different meaning.

I have been around so many people lately that are either fasting or dieting that I started to feel guilty eating the things they were giving up in front of them. The unhealthy things. They are making themselves better and I am continuing to enjoy the comforts. While enjoying these comforts, I have become uncomfortable by being around them, not because of anything they have done or said but simply by the choice they have made to live differently.
Throughout this month, with all of the fasting, diet and exercise talk, and people around me doing these things, here is where I have been challenged and what I have learned:

1. Getting healthy is not about a "diet" It is a LIFESTYLE change a lot like becoming a Christian is. Many people become "christians" and make a decision to follow Christ however, they do not want to give up their "comfort foods" so to speak. They want to hang out with the same people, party like they always have, not take time to read the Bible, etc. They don't become healthier, they are just comfortable and usually unhappy. Instead of looking in at themselves, they look out at Christ and say this isn't for me. I still have the same problems I had before and so this "christian" thing must not be real. They are yo-yo Christians. When times get tough they run to God or run away from him. When things are going great, its often not because God has blessed them but because of something they did. They fail to find Him in the success and thank Him for it. They are up and down like a yo yo dieter. They have failed to understand the key to success is that this is a LIFESTYLE change.

2. Now Fasting: Fasting is so important and really helps you focus on God but here is the problem I have with fasting. Shouldn't we be doing that everyday??? Many people do a 21 day fast at the beginning of the year to help them focus for the year and get all their ducks in a row. While I believe this is amazing, what about the other 344 days out of the year? Everyday we should be finding a way to set aside distractions to spend time with our creator. This is a LIFESTYLE change.

3. "You have to feed your body so it can run properly" applies in your spiritual life too. You have to feed your spirit with God's word so you can run properly the race set before you. God has a plan and purpose for each of our lives and if your spirit is anorexic you won't be able to properly accomplish all that God has for you. You will live below your destiny.

4. The reason I was becoming uncomfortable around those choosing to better themselves is because I wasn't choosing to better myself. That uncomfortableness has challenged me and made me want to be better. Those people did not have to say a word to me about what I was choosing. They never made me feel bad, they never condemned me, they didn't force their healthy habits down my throat but yet being around them and seeing them walk it out and the choices they were making made me want to be better. Isn't that how we as "christians" should be influencing others? We shouldn't have to say things to people all the time, force "God's Love" on them, condemn them, or judge them. They should just see us walk it out and the choices we are making are different than theirs and want to be better from just being around us. They should see the difference in our lives. They should see his Love through us without having to say a word. We should exude His Love everywhere we go, in our words, but more importantly in our actions.

Today I am on a journey to become more healthy in body and spirit. Today I will begin my LIFESTYLE change. I may not eat all my veggies right away but I will get there eventually. I will make changes everyday to better my lifestyle and exude love. I will make myself uncomfortable so that I can hopefully make others uncomfortable.

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