Saturday, January 1, 2011

You are the company you keep.

In 2010 I learned many things so for the next few days I am going to share some of them with you. Hopefully they might help you to have a better 2011.

Here are the top things I learned this year. I will list them and then each time I blog over the next several days I will expand on one of them.

1. You are the company you keep.
2. If you change the rules in the middle of the game, there can't be a winner
3. Accountability for your response.
4. Walking out the 2 greatest commands
5. Serving and Loving one another unconditionally

So let's get started.


Here is what I mean. Have you ever worked with or been around someone who is extremely negative about everything? You could be the most positive person in the world but if you are around them, eventually you will start becoming more negative. It won't happen all at once. First, you will try and be positive around them hoping that they will start to be positive. (It might work but chances are these type of people are either surrounding themselves with negative people or they have always been this way and don't see the problem). Next, when your efforts do not work, you will become angry and irritated at this person and every negative comment that flows from their mouths will start to work your nerves. Finally, their negativity will so annoy you that you will begin to complain about them and become negative towards them or having to be around them. The more time you spend with these types of people the more negative you will start to become and the more people you will start to annoy :)

That is just one example. Here are a few that I am choosing to distance myself from in 2011. Selfishness, Complainers, Negative Nancy, and the one uppers. Instead I will choose to hang out with people who inspire me with their selflessness and acts of kindness towards others, people who encourage me towards the things of God, people who see the cup half full and see the possibility of it overflowing, and people who are excited for the good and blessings that come to me and lift me up during the hard times.

Selfishness is such an ugly thing. It says 'I am most important here, my feelings, and my life. I am looking out for me first and then if I have anything left I will give it to you on my terms." The problem with selfishness is that most selfish people don't even see their selfishness, so for them to ever want to change is almost impossible because they don't recognize the problem. Selfishness hurts others and can cause other people to become selfish.

I have a friend named Lisa who consistently inspires me to be more selfless. When my dad became terminally ill, Lisa took it upon herself to contact other moms to prepare meals to bring to us so we had one less thing to worry about. We had meals everyday for weeks. I have seen her take jewelry that she is wearing and give it away, collect baby items to give to pregnant teen moms, and the list goes on and on. She is constantly doing something for someone else and inspiring those around her. If I hang out with more people like that, I am going to want to give more, inspire more, love more.

If you want to become more successful at a certain trade then hang out with people who are in that trade and are successful. If you want to become more financially stable then surround yourself with those type of people. If you want to become a better mom/parent then hang out with someone who you think is doing a great job.

It's like in kindergarten when the teacher asks you "what do you want to be when you grow up?". Figure out what you want to be. It doesn't have to be an occupation ie. doctor or lawyer but a more creative fun loving mom, more compassionate, selfless, more encouraging, spend more time in prayer, physically fit, etc. Find those people and surround yourself with them.

Now am I saying don't hang out with people who are not where you want to be, no absolutely not. That would not be walking in love either. All I am saying is the selfish, complaining, negative type of people should only be around in spurts. You can only pull someone up so much. It's a law of gravity. Eventually those people will pull you down. You are the company you keep. This year keep good company.

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