Thursday, November 12, 2009

who buys this stuff?

Okay so I went to walmart last night to do a little late night Christmas shopping. I was looking in the DVD's when I noticed a rack of $5 DVDs. I thought oh I will see if they have any kids movies. I noticed a few empty spots and thought well I wonder what used to be there.....they must be great ones. I look down to see one of the ones missing is Beerfest!

REALLY?!?!?!?! BEERFEST?!?!?!!?

First of all what the heck is that? Second of all who is buying this movie? I wish I could hide out in the store and see the people that pick up that movie. Who knew that zhu zhu pets would be the holiday's number one toy and Beerfest would be such a hot movie. My son already got a zhu zhu pet so I think I know what I'm getting Nathan for Christmas!!!! lol.

Monday, November 9, 2009

More from my funny valentine

More Elam quotes:

After eating at a restaurant, Elam said to the waiter, "Sir, I need to tell you something. You outdid yourself." (he was 2)

Me when I was pregnant with Eden: Elam, what do you think your baby sister will look like?
Elam: like a big huge dinosaur

"Ouch! My fingers bit my stomach." Translation: He pinched himself.

Nathan: Elam did you meet my Uncle Jimmy?
Elam: Yeah, he's fat like a hot dog.

While playing baseball: I'm a professional say Go Royals Go! Say it louder! I can't hear you!

Mom, I've gotta go poop. It's a miracle poop.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

You saved my life

Yesterday my mom and dad decided to come over and help Nathan and I with some house projects. We had planned on getting the house washed, painting our front door, cleaning out the gutters and my mom and I were going to redo the kids bathroom.

I don't know if this happens to anyone else but it seems like when you start doing house projects something always breaks, you forget something and have to make your 3rd trip to the store, or you spill something and make an even bigger mess. Well this is the kind of stuff that happened to us all day. It happened so much that by the end of the night it was comical to me.

My mom and I started on the bathroom first, needless to say we never got around to painting the front door. We started trying to get the wallpaper border off and that was disastrous. Please if you are contemplating wall paper border in any room of your house...don't do it!!! Even if it matches perfectly. See someone had wall papered a border in the bathroom. Then the genius who came along after that decided to wall paper over it. Well it is nearly impossible to take off. So my mom and I being the next genius's that came along decided this is too much so we will just wall paper on top of it too. Well we couldn't find any wall paper so then we said for not let's just paint it so it doesn't look crazy and then when we find something we will wall paper it. Oh my word! It looks crazier after we got done with it. lol. If you guys ever need someone to paint my mom and I would love to help. lol.

So, while this is all going on my wonderful father in law decided that on his day off (which he doesn't get very often) he wanted to pick up Elam and spend the day with him. This helped us soo much because I'm sure if you have a toddler or preschooler you know that paint and little hands don't mix always in a good way. My husband had talked to my father in law and said if you aren't hanging out with him today he is going to go ahead and have a nap and Elam overheard this. My father in law said that Elam told him in the car, "Thank you papas. You saved my life." lol. Man if kids only knew how much they would love naps when they are older they would be napping all the time. lol

Overall it was a productive day (long but productive). We ended up having to replace the faucet on our sink and I swear if my dad was a cartoon character he would be Handy Manny. Only he wouldn't speak spanish. He walks around my house and fixes things I didn't even know were broke. He is checking every light bulb, every door lock, every sink and toilet. I love when he comes over.

Gotta run baby crying. Gotta go give her some hugs and kisses. Love my life =)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Berry Christmas!

Today I felt very accomplished as a stay at home mom and housewife. Maybe it was getting a little extra sleep this morning but whatever it was I had energy today and decided I was going to get some things done.

I somehow managed to complete 3 loads of laundry, organize my garage, clean and vacuum the basement, clean out my car, rake the front yard, make lunch and dinner, clean Elam's room, make a hand turkey craft with Elam, got the kids down for a nap at the same time (which is a miracle in itself somedays), played Cowboy and Princess with Elam and now I'm watching a movie with the hubby and some friends. It was a very productive day!

And now for the funny stuff......

Today I asked for people to help me remember some more of Elam's quotes and here they are.....

One day while he stayed the night at his Mimi and Papas house, he needed to potty. So he goes into Mimi's bathroom (Mimi was fully clothed by the way) and says, "Mimi, what kind of peepee do you have? Come on tell me the truth." She was so shocked by his question she just laughed.

He also likes to wake us up by saying, "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey."

Tonight when I tucked him in he said, "Mom, you know when Santa comes, he comes in your fireplace and leaves in your fireplace. Then he says, HO HO HO Berry Christmas." lol

Last week, the teacher sent a school fundraiser with him. I had explained to him what it was and he had been practicing his sales pitch, which when a little something like this:
Hi, I'm Elam and I'm making money for my preschool. Would you like to buy some cookie dough. : The funny thing was if you asked him a question he would get confused and start over. lol So a few days later we are driving to school and I always pray with him before school. During our prayer, he interrupts and says and God help me with my new job. When we were done praying I said, "Elam what is your job." He replied, " Oh mom, I am selling cookies for my preshool and I need help because it's my job."

Elam often says funny things but he also says very sweet things.

Today he came into the kitchen and started singing you are my sunshine to me. He told me one day on the way to school, "Mom, I forgot to tell you. You look beautiful every day. I tell you every day mom because you are so beautiful."

Today as I was raking the yard I said Elam you can ride your scooter and he yells out at me, "Mom, you are the best mommy in the whole wide world." It's things like this that melt my heart and make me know that I'm doing my job. He is kind hearted and loving as well as smart, funny, and charming.

One more thing, my little 7 month old Eden is learning more every day. She is clapping, crawling, waving, and today she started trying to talk. I was so excited to hear her say Ma. Not the full mama yet but we are close. The sweetest thing is when i wave to her trying to get her to wave back, she claps for me and smiles like she is so proud of me. lol.

I look forward to watching her grow and hearing the things her little imagination comes up with. If she is anything like her brother, it's going to be a fun ride.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Don't worry mom!

Okay so today I had to go to the grocery store, which I don't really enjoy on a normal basis but when you take two kids that throws a whole new spin on it. You have a 3 year old driving a car hooked to the front of your cart which makes the cart amazingly difficult to navigate. Then, there is the obstacle of having a car seat to sit in the cart and the constant puzzle of placing groceries around the car seat as to not let them fall on the baby. Oh and then the part when your toddler is saying let's go get bread, over and over and over while your infant is crying bc they are hungry again so you are pushing this massive cart with on arm and your body while leaning over to feed the baby a bottle and trying to get your 3 year old to talk a little quieter bc you have these moms looking at you like go get the kid some stinking bread already.

So on to the bread aisle we go only to find out that wasn't the bread he was talking about.....he wants the bread know the guy that hands out samples only that guy isn't working today. So here I am with a disappointed 3 year old bc the bread guy needs a day off and a cart full of strategically placed groceries, a baby who is hungry, and Elam exclaims, : Mom , I have to potty and I can't hold it. If we don't go now I am going to pee in my underwear.

So I rush off to the restrooms. Get him out of his race car, get her out of the cart. I'm holding her with one hand and trying to unbutton pants with the other. He potties and we wash up and then go reload everyone back in the cart.

Are you exhausted reading this yet. This is why I do not look forward to the grocery store. So anywho, we finish up the shopping and head home. Then, after lunch, I get the kids down for nap and my dad calls me. I can hear in his voice the exhaustion and I remember instantly, it's Wednesday.

See my dad calls me everyday to check on us and the kids but every other Wednesday when he calls I am reminded how fragile life is just by the sound of his voice. For those of you who don't know my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer this year and has gone through chemo and radiation, a 6 hour surgery, and now he is one his second round of chemo. He is a fighter and we have seen God perform a miracle on his body. However, with the chemo come side effects and one being exhaustion. On the chemo Wednesday, when he calls, he is actually sitting through the 5 hour chemo treatment. It's almost like, in his voice you can hear his body fighting. As hard as it is to hear his voice like that, I am also reminded that the victory for his life has already been one. That helpless feeling turns into a rejoicing feeling.

After my dad's chemo today he called again and said he wanted to come over after the kids napped. When they woke up, he came over and we took a walk (per Elam's request of course) and stopped at all the little neighborhood playgrounds. My dad was running with him and playing tag, swinging with him and sliding. It was in that moment that my irritation for the grocery store all seemed so petty. I was humbled as I watched my dad who had just undergone 5 hours of chemo running, laughing, and playing tag with his 3 year old grandson. Life is what you make it, grocery store and all. I am so thankful to have heard the laughter today of my dad and my son all because God had a bigger plan than the cancer that attacked our family. All because His name is above all!

After we got back from our little walk Elam said, "Poppy, can I go for a ride in your truck?" My dad has a diesel dodge extended cab with a lift kit. We are talking almost monster truck status. He likes to pretend he is driving it and my dad just takes him a few houses down and then turns in the cul de sac and comes back. Well today, instead of driving, Elam opted to be the passenger. My dad strapped him in and just about the time they were going to leave Elam yells out the window so loud I could hear him over the diesel truck running: "Hey mom, don't worry. If a cop comes I can just duck like this." Then he ducked his head and disappeared and I could not stop laughing.

So today I learned some very important lessons as a mom and a human being. Don't sweat the small stuff. Enjoy life because it is very fragile and life is what you make it. Every day, multiple times a day you are presented with a choice to chose joy or to let your circumstances determine you mood and the outcome. I need to make better choices daily and remain focused on what is really important.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tada!!!! Here it is:

So I have finally done it! I am starting a blog. I will be posting the ever popular Elam quotes and stories but also just the everyday life and moments of a mom. Some will be inspiring I'm sure (jk) and some not so pretty. I am going to try and be as honest as I can because I am sure there are others of you that may read this that have gone or will go through the same thing. Sometimes I just feel it is refreshing to know maybe you aren't the only mom who has felt that way or has gone through something. Feel free to comment and tell your story too or maybe what has helped you. So enough about what I am going to talk about.....Let's talk.

So yesterday, I posted a status update of a quote Elam gave me. In case you missed it, it went a little something like this. Elam was having trouble picking up his left leg to put his clothes on. He kept saying it was hurting him so we went to visit the chiropractor I work for. He came in and said, "Hey Elam! What's going on?" Elam's reply was, "Well, my leg's on too tight and I need you to fix it."

What I didn't tell you is that 10 minutes later we were leaving and in the car when Elam said, "mom, I want pizza for lunch. Can we go to pizza bell." Then seconds later without missing a beat, he looks over at the car next to us (we were at a stop light) and with the window rolled up (thank God) he says, "Hey, don't you people have jobs?" lol.

This is my daily life with Elam. He is constantly saying things that crack me up and people always tell me I should write them down but I think oh I will remember. Not true so I have decided this is probably the best way to remember the funny things he says.

Here are a few examples:

At 2 he said:
You don't call me Elam. You call me break dancer.

Elam: Daddy, I love you. Nathan: What makes you love me? Elam: my heart

Me: Elam who made you so cute? Elam: Jesus

Elam during a thunderstorm: God please make the thunder go to the south pole with the penguins.

at 3 he so far has said:

once again during his prayer during a thunderstorm: Help me to remember you are just bowling.

tonight: Elam how do you have so much energy when you have been up since 6:30? Elam: Jesus gives me energy.

Sunday my mother in law said I think we should go see the Michael Jackson movie and Elam looked at her straight faced and said, "Mimi, you can't see that movie." Ronda: "Why, Elam?" Elam: "Because he's dead."

This one is maybe a little TMI but it was very funny. One night he came out of his room at bedtime and said, "Mom, I need to poop. My tummy is hurting." A few minutes later I walked in to check on him and said, "Elam are you doing okay?" He said, " Yes but my poop was having sword fights in my belly and it was hurting so bad."

And the last one I can thing of off hand was not so much something he said but something he did. He went potty before bed and I was waiting for him in his room. He said, "Mom, I need to give sis a kiss and hug good night." So i watched him walk to her in the jumperoo. He very sweetly leaned over and kissed her and hugged her. It was like something dreams are made of. You know when you are dreaming of the day you will be married and have kids and how your kids are going to be the best kids in the whole world and they are going to love each other and never fight. You know those kind of dreams. lol. It was just such a sweet moment that melted my heart. And as she is looking up at him smiling from ear to ear he turns around and with he bare butt puts his butt right in her face. I said Elam Douglas get up here. Then I hid my face and laughed as much as I could before he walked in the room. He came to the room and I said, " Elam that is not funny." He looked at me and said "Well, mom. Then why are you laughing." lol

I know this entry is long but hang with me because I am sure that there will be many more funny stories to tell and then next ones won't be as long.

Until next time which might be tomorrow with all this kids material. lol

P.S. I forgot to tell you the reason behind the name of my blog. so here it is

The story behind the name: One night I was trying to to explain to Elam just how much I love him. I said, "Do you see how far away the moon is? I love you all the way there and back." He thought that was so cool. A few weeks later he stayed the night with my parents. He was laying in their bed talking to them and said, "I really miss my mom. You know, she loves me to the moon and back." It meant so much to him to understand how much I love him. It just makes me think, how much more does God love us. He loves us so much he created the moon for us.