Friday, November 6, 2009

Berry Christmas!

Today I felt very accomplished as a stay at home mom and housewife. Maybe it was getting a little extra sleep this morning but whatever it was I had energy today and decided I was going to get some things done.

I somehow managed to complete 3 loads of laundry, organize my garage, clean and vacuum the basement, clean out my car, rake the front yard, make lunch and dinner, clean Elam's room, make a hand turkey craft with Elam, got the kids down for a nap at the same time (which is a miracle in itself somedays), played Cowboy and Princess with Elam and now I'm watching a movie with the hubby and some friends. It was a very productive day!

And now for the funny stuff......

Today I asked for people to help me remember some more of Elam's quotes and here they are.....

One day while he stayed the night at his Mimi and Papas house, he needed to potty. So he goes into Mimi's bathroom (Mimi was fully clothed by the way) and says, "Mimi, what kind of peepee do you have? Come on tell me the truth." She was so shocked by his question she just laughed.

He also likes to wake us up by saying, "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey."

Tonight when I tucked him in he said, "Mom, you know when Santa comes, he comes in your fireplace and leaves in your fireplace. Then he says, HO HO HO Berry Christmas." lol

Last week, the teacher sent a school fundraiser with him. I had explained to him what it was and he had been practicing his sales pitch, which when a little something like this:
Hi, I'm Elam and I'm making money for my preschool. Would you like to buy some cookie dough. : The funny thing was if you asked him a question he would get confused and start over. lol So a few days later we are driving to school and I always pray with him before school. During our prayer, he interrupts and says and God help me with my new job. When we were done praying I said, "Elam what is your job." He replied, " Oh mom, I am selling cookies for my preshool and I need help because it's my job."

Elam often says funny things but he also says very sweet things.

Today he came into the kitchen and started singing you are my sunshine to me. He told me one day on the way to school, "Mom, I forgot to tell you. You look beautiful every day. I tell you every day mom because you are so beautiful."

Today as I was raking the yard I said Elam you can ride your scooter and he yells out at me, "Mom, you are the best mommy in the whole wide world." It's things like this that melt my heart and make me know that I'm doing my job. He is kind hearted and loving as well as smart, funny, and charming.

One more thing, my little 7 month old Eden is learning more every day. She is clapping, crawling, waving, and today she started trying to talk. I was so excited to hear her say Ma. Not the full mama yet but we are close. The sweetest thing is when i wave to her trying to get her to wave back, she claps for me and smiles like she is so proud of me. lol.

I look forward to watching her grow and hearing the things her little imagination comes up with. If she is anything like her brother, it's going to be a fun ride.

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